The format for writing is the same as used in the journal Group Analysis published by Sage.
Term: Use the term you work on as the heading for your entry.
- Definition of term: Give a short general descriptive definition of the term first.
- Etymological roots, and derivatives if illuminating/meaningful: From what did the term derive, Latin/Greek? What does it mean?
- Development of the concept and different equivalent or similar terms used by different authors: Who was the first to use the term and how has it been used by others later. Put in references following the norm in the Journal Group Analysis.
- Descriptive use and clinical example if possible by the specific author(s): If possible, illustrate with a clinical vignette from the one who coined the term or your own experience/practice.
- Different usages: Is the same phenomenon conceptualized by other terms.
- Mandatory provision of references using the format from the Journal of Group Analysis: Reference year. If quotations from texts, page numbers, and reference list in the end of article. Lastly 3 – 5 search words.
- Maximum and minimum use of words should not as a rule exceed more than 2000 or be less than 100.
- English to be the only language used for final publication of the GAD.
- Perspective should be group-analytical.