Ivan Urlic

Vlastelica, M.,Pavlovi?, S., Urli?, I.: Patients’ Ranking of Therapeutic Factors in Group Analysis. Coll. Antropol. 2003: 27(2) 779-788.

Vlastelica, M., Urli?, I.: Group Members’ Assessment of Their Conductor in Small Analytic Group. Coll. Antropol. 2004: 28 (Supp.) 183-190.

Urli?, I.: Trauma and reparation, Mourning and Forgiveness: The Healing Potential of the Group, Group Analysis 2004, 37 (4): 453-471. Foulkes lecture.

Urli?,I.: Recognizing Inner and Outer Realities as a Process: On Some Countertransferential Issues of the Group Conductor, Group Analysis 2005, 38 (2): 249-263.

Jur?evi?,S.,Urli?,I.,Vlastelica,M.: Denial and Dissociation as Coping Strategies in Mothers’ Postmortem Identification of Their Sons, American Imago 2005, 62 (4): 395-417.

Britvi?, D., Urli?, I., Definis-Gojanovi?, M.: Juvenile Perpetrators of Homicides and Attempted Homicides – A Case Control Study, Coll. Antropol. 2006, 30 (1): 143-147.

Britvi?,D., Radeli?, N., Urli?,I.: Long-term dynamic oriented group    psychotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder in war veterans: Prospective study of five-year treatment, Croat. Med. J. 2006, 47: 75-83.

Urli?, I. Staff Envy of the Patients: The Reciprocity of Unconscious Envious Feelings and  Projections: Commentary on Article by Tony Ashton. Group Analysis 2007, 1(40): 102-107.

Urlic,I.,Britvic,D.: Group Supervision of Group Psychotherapy with Psychotic Patients: A Group Analytic Approach, Group Analysis 2007, 40(2): 136-166.

Britvi?, D., Anti?evi?, V., Kekez, V., Lapenda, B., Urli?, I.: Psihodinamski aspekti adaptacije i lije?enja psihotraume: Rezultati istraživanja, Druš.Istraž.Zagreb 2007, 3(89): 497-513.

Urli?,I., Agius M.: The patient with schizophrenia and his father. The father’s role and personality traits in the dynamics of the family with a son suffering from schizophrenia. Psychiatria Danubina, 2007; Vol.19, No. 3, pp 154-172.

Urli?, I., Tocilj-Šimunkovi?, G.: Working Through Shame in Groups for Victims of Trauma and War. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 59(2)2009, pp 165-178.

Chapter in the book “comunita e politica” (in Italian, in print) ed. Prof. Franco di Maria.