Become a Member

The Benefits of Membership include…

  1. Membership of a vibrant community of international colleagues;
  2. Receipt of the Journal of Group Analysis (either in hard copy or online) and Group-Analytic Contexts (online only);
  3. Reductions on GASi events including the Winter Workshop and the Foulkes Lecture, Study Day, Summer School and the Symposium;
  4. Membership of the Quarterly Members Group;
  5. Membership of the GASi online Forum;
  6. Participation in any one of GASi’s Special Interest Groups;
  7. Membership of the ‘Journal of Group Analysis’ Discussion Group in London;
  8. Regular updates of Group-Analytic events around the international Community;
  9. Right to vote at the AGM. (Full membership);
  10. Eligibility to stand for election to the Management Committee.
  11. Have access to the Library of Group Analysis: The King’s Fund Library

Special offer for New Members

SPECIAL OFFER: reduced rate available for new members who register for the Belgrade Symposium in August 2023: £180 (journal online only) in total for 2 years (2023 & 2024) of full or associate membership, or £100 for one year.