Online event celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the foundation of the Group Analytic Society, 4th-5th November 2022

VIDEOS: GASi 47th Autumn Workshop

70th Anniversary of the Group Analytic Society Foundation: Its History and the Unexpected Future

Video 1 (Friday): GASi President David Glyn introduces the 47th Autumn Workshop, Friday 4th November 2022

Video 2 (Friday): Panel discussion by 4 former Presidents of GASi – Luisa Brunori, Werner Knauss, Gerda Winther & Robi Friedman – reflecting on the history of the organisation. Chaired by current President David Glyn

Video 3 (Friday): Panel discussion by Kevin Power, Dick Blackwell & Isaura Neto on the theme of “Foulkes, Group Analysis and Innovation”. Chaired by Werner Knauss

Video 4 (Saturday): Panel of Zoe Voyatzaki, Kristian Valbak, Vasiliki Stergiopoulou & Lene Hjort discuss the theme “From the Group Analytic Society to IGA London to EGATIN”. Chaired by Linde Wotton

Video 5 (Saturday): Panel of Earl Hopper, Gábor Szönyi & Dieter Nitzgen discuss the theme: “Group Analysis and Totalitarianism: the past and the unexpected future”. Chaired by Carla Penna