GASi President

David Glyn

Here we are, together in a shared plight, but one in which we can, all too easily, find ourselves isolated in our private realms.

A veil has been torn away. The illusion of being kept safe, which was only ever available to some people in the world, is replaced by a reality that we knew was there all along. The global crisis of the collapsing environment, endlessly deferred, is replaced by another that is seemingly more pressing. It’s as though nature is looking for a way to communicate with us.

At this moment, the international character of GASi has particular importance, given the way in which nationalistic narratives are being mapped onto the story of the epidemic. We shall have to fight to maintain open communication amongst us, so that we can support one another and feel that our efforts and experiences are being understood.We shall have to improvise, learn new lessons and recognise the limits of our understanding. I feel glad to be working with GASi members as we discover what is to emerge.

David Glyn