GASi Quarterly Members Group
Dear GASi Members,
The next Quarterly Members Group will take place on Zoom on Saturday 17th October.
The COVID-19 crisis continues and though we can’t predict when we will be able to resume meeting in person, it is our intention to meet face to face in our usual venue in London as soon as is safe and permitted.
We held our July meeting on zoom and invited only members who had participated in the QMG since it began. As part of the day people were able to express their feelings about what should happen in the future. People were were divided about whether it should stay closed to previous members of the group or to open it up to all members of GASI.
We’ve decided to hold the October meeting on zoom again, and to invite and welcome all members of GASi.
Ian Simpson will be, as usual, conducting the day.
There are changes in the organising group. It will be Justin Phipps’ last day with us. Rob White has stepped down and Charlie Brittain has joined.
The day is divided into 3 sessions with an extended lunch break:
10am–11.30; 12pm–1.30; 3pm–4.30.
Because there is no room hire, the day’s fee is reduced from £30 to £20. Please pay £20 by BACS to GASI:
Account name: GASi
Sort code: 40-03-11
Account no: 71760173
giving reference ‘QMG October 17’.
Please notify us of the transfer by email to: – all enquiries relating to this QMG session should also be sent to this address.
We will then send you the Zoom link the day before the meeting.
We hope you are all keeping safe and well, and that you will be able to join us on Zoom on Saturday 17th October.
Best wishes,
Joan, Jud, Justin and Charlie