Quarterly Members Group – Celebrating 10 Years!

The Quarterly Members Group is now ten years old. It is an in-person median group based in South London which takes place four times a year on a Saturday. It is a unique experience within the GASI and provides a space for people who run or have run groups to come together in an experiential way. There are three ninety-minute sessions in the day, interspersed with a break for lunch and refreshments. Most people go to a local restaurant to eat together; some prefer a break and a walk.

The meeting room is bright and airy overlooking a garden. Originally conceived by Derek Love and David Glyn, the QMG operates with a rolling group of four dynamic administration organisers. The first gathering had fourteen members and has grown over time to around thirty people attending. The group has a history of attracting people from Europe as well as from the rest of the UK. This was especially true when the group had to go online due to covid. It has been a challenge to move back to meeting in-person and the group is still finding its feet again after the online experience.

During the ten years Ian Simpson has been the facilitator and has enabled the group to thrive and grow as a rich experience. Ian is standing down as facilitator in October and we would like to offer our appreciation and gratitude to him for all his work in creating the fellowship which the group provides. We are now looking forward to a new era and welcome anyone who would like to join us.

The next meetings are:

Saturday 22nd July and Saturday 21st October 

Venue: the Guild of Psychotherapists, 47 Nelson Square, London SE1 0QA.

The day’s fee is £30. The GASI office sends out details before each meeting.

Email: quarterlymembersgroup@gmail.com