Meeting of Divided Worlds at the GASi Symposium in Belgrade 2023 Confluence of Professional Identities in the Personal Matrix

Marina Mojovic

If the paradigm of simplification relies on disjunction and reduction, the paradigm of complexity relies on distinction and conjunction – ‘to distinguish without disjoining, to associate without identifying or reducing.’ Complex thinking seeks to account for experience in a unified manner and, accordingly, conjoin concepts by overcoming disciplinary isolation. Complex thinking, however, does not lead to know-it-all thinking. To take complexity seriously means that one realizes the irreducible ambiguity and uncertainty of the world, which present inquirers with the ongoing need to complexify their thinking. 

                                                                                                                                    Morin, 2008

           Stone is frozen music… The stars in the heavens sing music, if only we had ears to hear.

                                                                                                                                             Pythagoras, 2019

The universe is unified in material and spiritual sense. There exists a core from which all our strength comes… If I want to give it a material attribute – I call it light, if a spiritual – I call it beauty and humility. When we are able to be in touch with it, we feel strong and our work brings joy, because we are then like one tone in the harmony-of-the-whole.

                                                                                                                                          Tesla [1899]1952

Musings at the Beginning – on Social Creativity and the Possible

For this occasion of contributing few paragraphs for our September 2023  Context,  having fast to choose what to share from all the richness, complexity and significance of experiences related to the GASi Symposium in Belgrade happening just three weeks ago, and which we all jointly created, isn’t easy. As helpers emerged:

Few lines above from Edgar Morin, one of the most significant contemporary French sociologists and philosophers, whom I endeavored to be with us in Belgrade as a speaker, but his age of 103 made suspicion for the role. Yet, he stayed as inspiration, especially for our theme of the day – complexity of paradigms. May we still use the wisdom of some elders in our tripartite matrices (Hopper, 2023b,c) with its endless spaces and precious figures from the past, the present and perhaps also from the future (as Bion with his “Memoir of the Future” comes to mind,1991), joining also creative power with other generations? Especially now, when finding ourselves in these scary post-pandemics times of such wide global unrest, with so many horrifying wars, at the edges of or, as many say, already in the WWIII, at doors of nuclear world destruction and apocalyptic climate disasters;… when we don’t know what happened to our future, where are we going and where we can go from here (Montuori, 2023); when nothing makes sense, including the future (Sardar, 2015); when the old is dying and the new cannot be born (Fraser, 2019);  witnessing how easily the “liquefied evil” (Bauman and Donskis, 2016) floods into the vacuum, dismantling the social fabrics of our micro- and macrocosm (Mojović and Satarić,2023)?

This year, when Serbia declared the 2023 to be the year of Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American scientist and visionary (1856-1943), Morin continues, in very good English , his open dialogues with contemporary physicists, gave also important talks in the UNESCO, as well as talks about the dialogue among civilizations, necessity of equality, recognition of the Other:Real dialogue is when you recognize the same dignity in the Other(Morin, 2023). Coming here together in mind people, who all are seriously devoted to the advance of the mankind, understanding the self-organizing wisdom and connectedness of human groupings, Nature and Cosmos; that a renewed thinking of Being in and with Nature is necessary if our now planetary civilization is to undergo the radical metamorphosis required to avoid global collapse and instead to commence a new “ecological era”.  Required is a development of a new, but at the same time also very ancient, conception of Nature and Cosmos – one that is not reductive, but, on the contrary, is capable of helping generate and sustain complexity; and seeing poetry among the highest virtues of the humankind (Morin, 1977; Mojović and Satarić, 2023).

Thus, Morin’s work on complexity, as well as of his followers, like the Italian sociologist and musician Alfonso Montuori developing in California studies on “social creativity”, “complexifying the future” and “possibility studies”, emerged here again, eventually as helpful vehicles in an exploration journey throughout vague spaces of our post-normal times (Montuori 2011,2023), with poli-cryses and epidemics of despair (Case& Deaton,2020). Possibility Studies as a new and emergent multiband trans-disciplinary field are dedicated to the study of the shift of focus from being to becoming, from what is to what could be, from deterministic accounts of the world to agentic, generative and open-ended understandings. The possible re-emerges as an organizing category in our lives and our thinking not despite but because of living through the seemingly impossible and unimaginable. (Grossman,2017; Mojović,2017). Possibility Studies invites us to consider how people, cultures and nature are transformed by becoming aware of, engaged with and active within an expanded field of psychological, social, economic, political, material, technological and artistic possibilities (Damhof. and  Gulmans,2023;Glăveanu,2023). Group analysis is of course here, too, at least many of us experience it belongs into these multi-disciplinary gatherings of skills and devotion (Penna,2022; Hopper 2023a).

They came in here to be mentioned together with Nikola Tesla, (I was invited to talk about him in the Symposium Social Unconscious Panel, but it happened to get hardly bit more than 10min for presentation  ), Tesla who brought extraordinary gifts to the world as alternating current, radio, etc., but died in poverty, and who imagined free costless energy for all people in the better world to come: “The new world can’t be the world of humiliated, the broken but the world of free people and the nations equal in dignity and respect for man” (Tesla, 1920); and in company with Pythagoras, important figure of identification and connectedness for Tesla. In the beauty and humility of interconnected matrices of people and nature if we get in contact with the harmony-of-the whole, indeed, if only we had ears to hear the stars in the heavens singing music….In this imaginary vehicle for the current writing journey are certainly also Foulkes, Pat, Malcolm, Gordon, Earl, Armstrong, Pecotić, Sabar, Carla, Robi, Zaven, Richard, Dale, Alice, Stefan… the dreaming space expending and embracing so many colleagues from our Symposium journey…

Gratitude and Some History Layers

Certainly on the first place emerge strong feelings of gratitude towards all involved in this very special Symposium 2023 journey – again it’s difficult to pick up naming some from such a very long line of people, roles, sub-groups, committees…, who just immediately emerge in mind. After special honoring of the organizing committee, on first place the local one with our Tija and Bojana, and also of the devoted work of the international scientific committee, immediately comes the gratitude to the young generation in group analysis, so many trainees who trusted us hosts to come from all over the world and share their worlds, thereby also very much gratitude to trainees from Serbia who were brave enough to expose their raw work in presentations and workshops, their developing ideas, voices…It is now easier to talk about gratitude after being relieved from so many anxieties we were holding, and me personally, for a long time before and during the event. The joy can now be free….before new work begins.

Even gratitude to mr. Ilija Milosavljević Kolarac, who lived throughout the 19th century, and whose statue stands there at the very entrance of our Symposium venue, which we passed by so many times during the event, and I was curious whether anybody would be interested who was this man. The symposium venue is holding his nick name Kolarac (linked to his small hometown) for gratitude for the legacy, which he gifted to the Belgrade University, namely this large wonderful building, together with his additional legacy for publishing books. If we just a bit start digging into his life and work stories, unfortunately, soon we encounter fighting with divided worlds of Serbia, which at the time were pulled, not only between the surrounding empires, but also between two dynasties the Karađorđević and the Obrenović. Our other venue building, which we used, namely of the Faculty of Philology, and then the third one, just beside it, the very beautiful large “Uni Rektora Building” – “Kapetan Mišino Zdanje”, also huge legacy gifted by another rich man, Captain Miša, who was supported by the opposite dynasty. Kolarac had even been at the end of his life, over eighty years old, politically put to jail, and sadly died soon after release from consequences. Now, these two wonderful and for the society, culture and education important buildings, stay so close to each other – esthetic and educational reconciliation reached. However, social-political splits linked to their destinies can still be traced: partially unresolved/unintegrated/unhealed wounds may even now be recognized in some of the current social-political processes, and only partially written about….

All density of turbulence, fragmentation, scapegoating processes unresolved present in conscious and unconscious layers in the foundation and dynamic matrices, just there around, at the beautiful Students Park surrounded by large number (four groups) of  faculties. At the same time, it is a point from which so many of our peace, anti-violence, anti-NATO, anti-communist, and other people protests in previous decades would start, and in which many, or most of us from this local participants, had been, and still are, part of. On the margins of peace-protests in the Nineties the Reflective Citizens groupings were initiated and then slowly developed into small and larger workshops (Mojović, 2016, 2019b,d).

In addition, feelings of entering Kolarac were for many of us (certainly for me) immediately loaded with so many memories and meaning: of our parents and grandparent generation attending concerts, us as children, bringing our children, learning various languages, or playing instruments, as well as our colleagues and ourselves giving free presentations free for citizens, as it was the usual concept of Kolarac – the free people university. Just to mention fresh and important memories of prof.dr.Vladeta Jerotić, being among most significant teachers of ours, psychiatrist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist, founder of the Jungian Serbian Society – among the most important teachers in our school and training for psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and a great supporter of our group-analytic work. Although,  presented on many other places, but prof. Jerotić especially liked the large Kolarac Hall for his talks. The very first was in December 1964. “Freud’s Thinking and Flows of its Development”.  Most of us remember how overwhelmingly full would always be the large Hall, in 261 times he there deeply inspired the audience, thus only in Kolarac listened to him over 100.000 people. So, layers of professional and social history as well as, of daily activities, were consciously or unconsciously with us there, when entering it. I imagine, that I wasn’t the only local participant who felt prof.Jerotić was somewhere around with us during the Symposium days, and hopefully would like what had been exchanged and learned together. Not all. Did we share this? Was there time? Were we free-enough for this and similar issues? I would say: no. We were more like busy bees, getting the job done well-enough. I am always complaining about us not meeting enough…..Who would know the real and deeper reasons.

History of social-political-professional layers of which we were proud of or ashamed of were there, some mentioned, but probably the large majority of the volume we either didn’t want or were not able to share within the conversations. What, at least I, was aware of, were so many deeply historical, social and political splits, old and new ones, many ghosts not put to peace. Could we have done more of the work in this event? Who knows? Perhaps…Certainly, the current global world divisions, mentioned above, are enormous, dangerous and rising. They were in the Symposium matrix. Anxieties that they would attack our work abilities, tear apart all, actually strong annihilation anxieties, were there before, during and after. Gratitude that that didn’t happen – some more serious destruction! On the contrary, all planned sessions were well held; we could be on our tasks from the very first encounters to the last good-buys.

In the GASi Seasonal Gathering on 23rd September, at the relative beginning a dream was shared of the dreamer walking near the Kolarac venue dawn the streets, there were many covered black sculls, then emerging more and more, having to walk over them….My associations were immediately strong, even very concrete, and I told that it’s too difficult to tell.

Not enough space now, just to remind that social dreaming matrices each morning, four groups (three in person and one online, one co-hosted by Gila Ofer from Israel and Yahya Mayet from South Africa and me), groups having joint meetings, too , were able to make contact with a lot of these contents, and share within the social dreaming dialogues. I think most of us agreed how deep and significant matrices and dialogues were. It would need other papers for these huge meaningful contents and manifestations of integration processes. I believe much of the work from other parts of Symposium will appear in other papers, and hope to co-create space for good use. Two day workshop on “Scapegoating Revisited”(Hopper, Mojović, Penna) is planned to continue in the next opportunity as obviously began to unpack and challenge very significant difficult processes from our tripartite matrices. I prepared about our society,but even there cautiousness hindered me to openly-enough use the material.

Personal History of GASi Symposia….

Personal history of GASi Symposia was also with me during the days, just few stories: I haven’t heard about GASi as an important professional society in Belgrade GAS. I heard about it on the first international conference I had attended. This was, when my acceptance of living in social-psychic retreat(Mojović,2007,2008,2011,2019b,c) in the years of by sanctions isolated country, NATO Bombing, feelings of betrayal by countries which had been part of my childhood,  (went to school, lived, shared so much)…..became most horrendous aggressors of our lives in Serbia, and my decision never to leave the country was strong! However, it was Athens, as the very first place I felt a wish to go abroad:  2004, IAGP Conference. After my presentation of the work we do in therapeutic community, the IAGP ex-president Sabar Rustomjee, from India, living in Melborne, approached me and told “Marina, you should go to GAS, you belong there, too”. And, so I did.

In the following year, 2005 was in Norway, in the far fjord, in Molde GAS-Symposium. Long was my way towards it. Memories emerge of all sorts of enormous fears and multiple layers of loneliness during the long complicated travel, nobody from my Belgrade GAS would be a member, on the border unpleasant suspicion with serious investigations…I arrived at the venue of a very high glass-hotel, but in sailing-boat shape, my language of belongings was small, but the one with fears was huge. At doors, very warm typical Thor Christian Island welcoming smile and hug. I will always remember, mentioned him of the Belgrade LG. Inscribed in memory are many of the further exchanges with strange people, but eventually really from the same tribe. I even brought with me a presentation of our work in TC(Mojović,2005; 2007), and was totally surprised when many came to listen, commented, even colleagues whom I knew only from books. Actually, due to years of sanctions we were not allowed to buy books in normal traffic, thus most were either shared reading, or photocopies. Weinberg’s PT website was a precious source, and suddenly he was also there, fighting bravely in the LG. Unfortunately, the LG began with an attack on me as a Serb, but a Muslim colleague from Sarajevo, studying GA in Norway, us speaking our language, sitting beside each other, bravely and with integrity defended us both in a sharp, honest and very deep way. Thus, the dense LG experience with all complex and painful stuff from tripartite matrices, had to be encountered so fast! Present was one senior Serbian colleague dr. Ljiljana Milivojević, friendly and helpful, actually I realized, the only member of GAS at the time, and helped me to become one too. I missed her very much in Kolarac and Dorćol Plac…eventually, consequences of disturbed GA matrices.

The first encounters with some community are usually significant, as we know. So, surviving the mixture of so many intensive exchanges at the end brought the wish to belong, but with cautiousness. And the GAS Symposia journey continued: Dublin(Mojović,2008), London, Lisbon, Berlin, Barcelona, all were pearls of learning with different encounters of identities. I kept presenting, and my roles in GASi multiplied: presenter, keynote-speaker in Lisbon(Mojović,2015), Foulkes Lecture Respondent(Mojović,2016), MC member, 1st GASi Summer School in Belgrade number of roles, internationalization subcommittee activities, sharing RC and other work with GASi, etc. and along the way supporting members from GAS-Belgrade and our Training Community become GASi members.

For this Symposium welcoming and working in both international and local scientific committee, as well as,  a number of other roles, has been a very special station on this almost two decades long journey. Internal personal splitting, which I was aware of throughout my life, shared in groups endeavoring to make friendship and integration among various internal groups and gangs of mine, in this new occasion were triggered and dynamically on the internal and external scenes: especially significant related to my feelings of belonging to local communities and my international part. Being originally from Belgrade, then migrated/emigrated and having been in twelve schools until 14th –  in Serbian, USA and German small provinces, as well as large towns. Soon after IAGP Athens and Molde, professional life had fast put me into belonging to few other international organizations, in various official and unofficial roles. We all have to assess how much of our time and life energy we give to these sorts of engagement. Over all years I very often thought about relationship between these two parts of me, both meaningful, which certainly helped in my roles in the Internationalization subcommittee in MC,  workshops, various online….

At the same time, in both GAS-Belgrade Training activities, as member of the Training Committee, as training group analyst for Clinical GA, having role for the so called “Special themes” in the curriculum, Founder and Leader of the Psycho-social Section and its few training branches, as well as co-founder of the Section for LG and MGs, similarly I was often swinging, experiencing splitting in our GAS matrices, often feeling marginalized, fighting internally not to leave; however, also gratitude for as such a “stranger”, “nomad”, “difficult”, too much complaining for various improvements, unpredictable with ideas, too active, still not being expelled, as some internal parts expected. Over the symposium days I often wondered, where do I actually belong more, inside, outside or on margins…

Among others, it was professionally and personally especially important for me that GAS-Belgrade trainees and all young in the field manage to register, to be interested and open enough for encountering colleagues from all over the world, to expose themselves in sharing freely, and to present their work too. Therefore, in months before the Symposium within the Psycho-social Section were self-organized writing workshops as a peer activity, which were well attended. Of all various anxieties from different roles, I realized that the most prominent were those related to trainees, who were never at any international events and decided to expose their work. Within this reflection space of my writing now here for context, questioning reasons for this, from most obvious to some more under the surface, I realize again some left-over’s from the divided internal worlds of mine: it includes so many painful childhood encounters of being the stranger/migrant/marginalized even bullied, and this meaning in both directions – as stranger in other countries, as well as stranger of the returner to the birthplace. Experiences of alienation of these origins are so multi-layered and multi-faced that it probably has to continue lifelong and be accepted as such. For these aspects of human experience certainly group analysis is of very special meaning, as most of us well know. However, even knowing the obvious and so much talking, writing….still each of us has her/ his own particular lonely version of existence. When I heard that most , actually all, trainees had richness of feedback and exchanges, both with young colleagues in other countries, and with more experienced, and senior, their excitement of being in groups with those whom they read from in curriculum, etc…. it was really a very special feeling for me, best to be described as happiness.

Confluence of Professional Identities

Endeavors to integrate dissociated and split areas of us, being now with the new developed theory of tripartite matrices (Hopper,2023) indeed makes easier to explain in group analytic languages, are for most of us a lifelong ongoing personal, group, community, organizational, societal and wider earthly/heavenly (Mojović and Satarić,2023) dimensional processes – and complex. All professional destinies are loaded with struggles, but this occasion of GASi Symposium in Belgrade, being a very special confluence area of my personal professional identities, put me into specific reflection area: when in 1977 I secretly ran away from the Medical faculty to Faculty of Philology (this building happened to be mirrored on bus window in photo with bike) and began to study World’s Literature (in which my grandmother studied French Literature after her Gymnasium in Nice/France, sent in WWII with groups of children by ships of allies for rescuing, and where her father dr. Đorić, a physician and poet, is still known and read), but under huge pressure from my parents persuaded to return to Medicine – initial split in my professional identity was founded. Bicycle as the most intimate and secure vehicle has been for me a good reflection space related to various sorts of dissociation and experience of marginalization – probably a usual thing for migrant children.

However, all was to some degrees integrate-able until as a psychiatrist on night duty with over hundred schizophrenic patients at wards, (being a single mother with children having alone to care about themselves), 24thMarch1999, sirens and unannounced (no UN agreement) NATO Bombing began,….calling my daughter by phone, she telling “Mama, a bomb is there, I see from windows of our house, glass falling…”, (indeed the very 1st bomb onto Belgrade close in the area), me not allowed to leave patients, becoming in the very moment commander in charge of the Psychiatric Clinic to make decisions…Bombing lasted without break 78 days. So much was internally broken in me.

David Grossman, Israeli writer comes to mind: “If the unimaginable suddenly becomes a reality, then what is left to imagine? Is it still worth being hopeful?” As mentioned above, I kept working as psychiatrist and psychotherapist in my work place and country as sorts of social-psychic retreats, not wanting ever to go anywhere….But one day Athens, perhaps related to the fact that Greece didn’t allow NATO airplanes to go over their sky,…..I decided to leave Serbia for the International Group Psychotherapy Association conference in 2004….made me begin revisiting my frozen internal parts, especially international, and to encounter more and more colleagues, and slowly make a number of deep long friendships.

In the meanwhile Reflective Citizens from the groupings at the peace-protest margins grew up into an easy transmittable Method. It got a lot of space in various sessions in this Symposium, I couldn’t be present at few of them; thus not anymore a baby-project but at least an adolescent if not already adult! The Psycho-Social Section of GAS Belgrade which I created together with many colleagues local and abroad, with the Belgrade Training for Social Dreaming with Angela Eden, and Training for Systems-Psychodynamic Organizational Consultancy in which colleagues from many countries are supervisors, presenters, consultants, and co-creating many international conferences and workshops – in this event were very much engaged in  presentations and workshops, not only from Serbia, but the branch from Slovenia and Bosnia, and few from other countries, too. A lot of good feelings of cooperation, new contacts with colleagues from other communities occurred with new enthusiasm.

Integration is on a good way: when in 2012  Robi and me, during his Belgrade Dreaming workshop in, the VERY first colleague from abroad to arrive to GAS-Belgrade after years of our total isolation, shared his dream about GASi Summer School in the Koinonia-Art venue, feels so far away from where we arrived now in the internationalization journey. The Summer School indeed began in the Koinonia-Art venue in Belgrade, Petra Lekovića 115, but paradoxically, trainees whose venue for training it was over many years, were not allowed to participate at that 1st Summer School, as seen as not truly in group analysis. This time, in Symposium they were allowed to participate, and took the opportunity seriously enough with indeed a lot of activities, and well done. Finally feeling included, they even even self-organized, (without any of mine engagement) in the same venue, an evening party for all colleagues who were able to come. They were over 25 hosts: they printed tickets, made a 45 min long presentation by prof.dr.Tomić, (who also participated at symposium), on history of art in this region, as well as a jazz musician group from the Belgrade Academy of Music, drinks and friendly atmosphere…In a joint taxi arrived two colleagues from Ukraine with two from Russia, telling how well they chatted on the way, glad for the occasion.

Stories are continuing to pour, like those from the very special pre-symposium Hiking Tour through areas of my childhood with so many dear colleagues and friends…

Was this all just a short break from horrendous things in social matrices? When now having to finish and send to Viv, I hear scary news from Kosovo and Metohija, very serious escalation, people were killed. Still this experience will stay as a significant gathering internally and in many of our work communities indeed as a confluence of many divided worlds, and might help in surviving many further traumas to come, reminding us how endeavors for dialogue need to be made even when it seems impossible and that all hope is lost.

Gratitude also to Viv for support for writing, even if submitting in the very last moment.



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Marina Mojović MA,MD, psychiatrist, psychoanalytic psychotherapist, training group analyst, and organizational consultant in Serbia, founder of the Reflective Citizens Koinonia Method (RC) of working with citizens groups (since the late Nineties) and the International Reflective Citizens (IRC since 2020). She is a full member of the GASi, IAGP, ISPSO,OPUS. In GAS-Belgrade she is a training group analyst, supervisor, founder of Psychosocial Section and Trainingin Systems-psychodynamic organisational consultancy, and Social Dreaming, and a co-founder of the Section for ‘Large and Median Groups’. Presents, and publishes internationally, conceptualized ‘social-psychic-retreats’, ‘conception trauma’ of organizations and societies.