Co-chairs Forward

MC letter to all membership, April, 2024

The current GASi leadership structure, with two Co-Chairs rather than a President, has now been in place for six months. The new structure has undergone a sudden change due to the health problems of Viv Harte, and in December 2023 Francesca Giuseppina Bascialla (GASi Honorary Secretary) was voted in as co-chair beside Marit Joffe Milstein who had been in post since the previous AGM.

Alongside organizing long-established, in a sense, traditional GASI events plus other issues pertaining to the management of the society, the MC has been attempting to process, within itself and between members of the society, deep divisions in relation to traumatic global events. These processes have been most evident on the forum. The management committee has been in receipt of letters and feedback from a variety of sources, including the monthly online meetings and the open letter from several Israeli colleagues.

After our Serious Incident Report (SIR) was sent to the Charity Commission they have been asking the MC for more information. The MC consulted a specialist in charities law who underlined that the concerns raised are affecting many UK charities, and that there are several steps needing to be taken in relation to the forum. The Trustees understand that having few guidelines in the forum is a shortcoming that needs to be changed, also because the personal data policy for Google applications changed in 2018.

All the above has led to the establishment of two working groups: a Code of Behaviour group and an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) group – both composed of members from a range of backgrounds and representing diverse views. This is indicative of an attempt to promote fair treatment and minimize discrimination on the basis of individual characteristics or identity. It is also in recognition that it is important to find ways of recognising and negotiating between differences.

Complaints and safeguarding procedures (particularly in relation to bullying and harassment phenomena) will need to be established. A code of behaviour policy; a policy considering social media; a communications policy, as well as policies relating to political and inflammatory content are needed.

According to what is reported above, the MC has decided to suspend/close the forum at least until these policies are agreed and able to be implemented.Although understanding that our GASi society mirrors regressive world processes, we must use our GA skills to offer a counterculture characterized by human dignity, respect, and dialogue.

Janus, from Roman mythology, the god of transition, the guardian of gates between dualities – life/death, beginning/end, war/peace, was present at the beginning of the world. He is represented with two faces – one facing the past, and one facing the future holding a key in his right hand. With this metaphor in mind, GASi is in a transitional period, trying to find a new kind of leadership. The MC is guardian of the boundaries and the opening of GASi gate. The MC holds the symbolic key to a safe harbor for all members. An agreement or homogeneity is not needed to co-exist in the same space and embrace differences.

Marit Joffe Milstein & Francesca Bascialla,

GASi Co-chairs,

On behalf of GASi MC