TransformActions with Reflective Citizens Method and Community
Transform-Actions with the Reflective Citizens Method (RC), open to anybody and anywhere without charge, are unique ongoing psycho-social processes in joint creativity with and among people endeavoring to learn to listen to the other, find voice, transform hate into dialogue and into humanity initiatives in the RC “Koinonia” fields. On its three decades long developmental journeys (from Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, to Poland, Italy, Greece, USA, Ireland, UK, branches, online, hybrid, etc) it often discovers sibling work communities also dealing with inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and complexity, as is the “Re-mediare project”, “Bridging Silos in Field Theories”, Texas’ Martin Luther King Tables, Trilogy and Sandwich Model Events, PCCA (Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities). Although indeed nurturing curiosity, flexibility, adaptation, resilience and hope, in current global destructiveness with dismantling of social tissue, we need even more to hold hands and work harder in further levels of transform-Actions. Turin, the first group analysis land, was also the first RC land in 2019, from where began the spreading of the growing number of other Italian RC communities; the Greek RC branches surviving its birth during pandemic, and in later revival teaches us about adaptability and vitality of this work. Since 2013 in Belgrade the journey of our GASi Summer School was enabling special opportunities for transformative group learning in spite of & within disruptive forces. Inter-fertilization with RC and its sibling fields might intensify our caring for the future in creative imaginary or making real new transform-Actions – so much needed for all of us, professionals and citizens!
I Marina Mojović
(parts of Marina had been only power-point presentation)
Thank you Alice and all colleagues from the staff for inviting me for this keynote. Gratitude to both Francesca and Ilaria for accepting that we make this keynote-journey together, in a way which is close to the culture of the Reflective Citizens field, it was a pleasure and learning together.
Alice, having in mind all your work on establishing in 2019 the 1st Reflective Citizens (RC) branch in Italy, here close to Turin, in Chieri, when few of us came from Belgrade and started it together, then with all the flourishing of RC in Italy, so much of your endeavour, enthusiasm and crucial understanding involved over these years of cooperation, certainly you would be presenting today with us, if you didn’t have all the other tasks in co-charing the Summer School.
So, I shall begin with some introduction, then will talk Francesca, then Ilaria, and I will end. We hope this will offer you some new perspectives in understanding of the RC Method and field.
I wish to bring few things related to the Creation of the Reflective Citizens Method (RC). First a brief reminder of the social situation in Serbia at the time, when RC emerged in the Nineties in Belgrade. The social fields were very scary, unfortunately a bit reminding on ours globally now. An illustratation from a painting, belonging to the „Mediala Movement“ in Yugoslav Art before the Outbreak of the Yu Civil Wars, from famous painter Dado Đurić – we see there people’s huge suffering, ugliness and deformations circulating between internal and external relational fields….
This links to what we talked about, just a month ago also in Italy, in another conference important for RC, in Citta Sant’ Angelo near Pescara (few of us here now were there too, also you Francesca, and Mimo, of course as a co-host, and few others…). Carla Penna from Brazil opening it with “Landscapes of war times and landscapes of peace times and field theory” brought us Kurt Lewin’s elaborations from 1917, while recovering from his war wounds, how the very same landscapes in human perception transform in war and peace times impacting the formulating his social field theory; as well as Bion’s and Foulkes’ wartime experiences in kaleidoscopic foreground/background views also shaping it…..: Social field theory „stems from therapeutic communities, psychoanalytic, group-analytic, and group relations theories that span from WWs to contemporary approaches. „ (Penna, 2024, Penna, and Hopper,2024)
Two friends Marina & Jelica (Satarić) – founders of the Reflective Citizens Mehod (Mojović, 2016, 2019c, 2021; Mojović & Satarić,2024; Satarić,2024) (psychiatrists, training group analysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, members of GAS Belgrade; Jelica now president of GAS Belgrade) during whole Yugoslav War time worked in different state hospital’s Therapeutic Communities (TC) (Mojović,2007). We understand now that, particularly, the TC work was crucial for RC: helped us all in learning that indeed Oases of “TransformAction” are possible and how meaningful they are! (in terms of our theme here). Even in most difficult circumstances and social fields.
TC happened to be a home for individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy work, group analytic work, of both small and large groups, as well as for a while of our Klein/Bion Study Group (lasting over 25 years —> became “London Link” – Society for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Klein/Bion /Neo-Klein and Organizational Consultancy”, in which we were both engaged, me as director); and of course all the other organizational and cultural aspects of a democratic community with inter-relational care between groups and subsystems, all the time using transference/countertransference and other psychoanalytic concepts for understanding layers of relationality and sharing between us all staff and patients. Social unconscious (Hopper, 2003b; Hopper & Weinberg, 2011) and social trauma (Hopper,2003a) was intensively present within tripatrite matrices (Hopper, 2024) in the TC, each day we would talked about….This helped (within their sociality, transgenerationality, collectivity…) in development of a multifocal vision to deal with kaleidoscopic psycho-social transformations in the fields (Mojović,2024c).
RC is initiated at margins of the Belgrade Peace Protests in the Nineties, to which we would often go each day after work in TCs – (de Mare emphases importance of people sitting & talking, which was indeed how we began, with trust into these ways of approaching destructiveness in the fields – oases with circles); with social trauma flooding our life and work spaces, we kept hosting groups with all interested people on various venues – inside & outside …then small workshops with various people we knew, then towards all the further development…
I wish to emphasize that there has been a very long Creation Journey of the RC Method – actually two decades!Once the method was made, it is just the opposite for the transmission of RC – easy to learn. We can well see in Italy how it goes and florishes. (It is also for special attention to explore why in some countries / communities it easy finds its way, unlike others.) Thus, substancial aspect of the method is its easiness in transmission. Easy training but necessary! (In GASI Symposium in Belgrade, Alice and me talked in more detail on RC Training, soon to publish, Mojović and Mulasso,2023). Also to emphasize: All in a RC workshop can be done only by one person, both organizing and convening! But the community aspect of doing things together often prevails, although some people like to do all by themselves. Supporting any other colleague or citizen to conceive a new local RC branch is part of the RC culture as well as:
free of charge, as all in RC!
Important in creation and in all RC work is shared / social creativity (Montuory, 2018, 2020) among people & among few psychoanalytic fields! As mentioned, in our TCs we have been learning it through experience over many years. Bridging of sibling psychoanalytic fields is the destiny of RC and in its DNA! From the beginning was present the researching of the careful bridging between traditions of group analysis, group relation, therapeutic community, Pichon Rivier, complexity theories and Listening Posts (later also social dreaming and Herold Bridgers transitional approach) both in practice & theory, thereby throughout all these years trying to keep freedom in exploration of the relational fields among these psychoanalytic traditions. And understanding the complex meaning of this brigding – a lively process continuing further (as seen in Pescara).
After creation, there was then also a very long process of the Refinement of the Method. This included about twenty international events with colleagues (not meaning regular RC workshops) : 8 International RC Conferences, many workshops….
- RC Koinonia is both the Method & the Community of RC branches practicing this method / discipline in free cooperation;
- RC were like pawns in chess, easy movable and exposable
for the less visible, but actually central organization: the Training – Psychosocial & Systems-psychodynamic Organizational Consultancy of the Koinonia-Art Community (Applying Psychoanalytic and Group Analytic Approach to Understanding Institutions, Organizations and Society; Mojović,2024b).
As a shared journey with many colleagues and helpers, it was initially without clear vision what we were doing. Like complex movements back-and-forth, circling up-and-down, in various directions often through turbid fogy or muddy areas of through difficult environments – perhaps hoping for some resonance of meaning to emerge & take the track….(as a migrant child, I owned some skills). Struggling to solve, find ways…. for survival of hope, solidarity, actually, for humanness in our surroundings (Vansina,2013; Mojović,2024a).
Emphasis is on the Paradox
Surviving various attacks, even toxicity, rooted in social disruptions, making something relatively new, a home for the emerging new area of work, needed to be at the same time secure-enough and open-enough. ….principles, which were from the very beginning, and still are there, built into the foundation (founding matrix or dynamic matrix?) of the organization – as the basic assumption for keeping it continuously open for learning from each other’s, appreciating ancestors’ fields in group work & shared creativity for new to emerge…
Group-analytic Principles and Values in RC
- democratic principles: keeping the flame of liberal and cosmopolitan ideals in fields of citizenship; no leaders –> conductors -> hosts
- free floating discussion, reverie, freedom of exchanging ideas, fantasies, feelings, dreams, new thoughts;
- allowing difficult feelings & defenses from them eventually seen/understood;
- trust into the capacity of raw human exchanges; freedom of diversity learning-through-experience of true dialogue culture and citizens responsibility;
- opening up the minds to the chaotic and the uncontrollable unconscious of communities within ‘safe-enough’ dialogue situations;
- not aiming to arrive jointly to any sort of homogeneous conclusion;
- learning to listen and to be heard,
- opening up new themes and perspectives, learning about the others and one- self in relation to others includes also the hosts- participants, without any assumed privileges to own the “Truth”;
- open the minds for the variety/diversity of discourses/paradigms and curiosity for interactions;
- RC-learning of the ‘art-of-listening’ and the ‘art-of-dialogue’ (Mojović, 2019c);
- transforming hate into culture of dialogue within the RC-KOINONIA (de Marè, Piper Thompson,1991).
- or RC “zajedničarenje” (in terms of Pat de Mare and its cultural origins).
Creative Trans-disciplinarity Integrating Sibling Fields & Methods
- social dreaming,
- group analysis,
- group relations,
- operative groups of Pichon Riviere,
- listening posts,
- Herold Bridger’s transitional approach,
- therapeutic communities,
- complexity theories,
- psycho-social community practice.
Basic Structure of most RC Workshop as the basic building blocks of RC Koinonia
Number of participants is flexible: from few like 12 to 180. Regular Program is flexible in length from 2h to whole day, most often is about 4 hours.
- Introduction
- Social Dreaming Matrix
- Large RC group 1
- Small leaderless RC groups
- Large RC group 2
- Review & Application leaderless groups in threes
- Closing together
- It is a voluntary activity of citizens, and colleagues as citizens always without charge!
Applied RC developed for various circumstances and fields including possibility of charging.
Applied RC as TransformActions
RC as “Zajedničarenje”
- Cultural Shelter everyday activities over 5 years,
- Traveling RC through Serbia and the region – in bus, with people meeting in different towns,
- Traveling RC through monasteries,
- Children RC – various branches,
- RC work with migrants & focusing on social trauma as was school shooting,
- RC in organizations: business, health, education…
- RC mediation work in local communities in South Serbia,
- RC for conflict resolution among 3 communities with Roma citizens,
- RC in Art galleries and museums,
- Opening sensitivity for group analysis in small cities,
- Banja Luka new psychosocial organization „Zajedničarnica“….
Variety of Places of RC, outside and inside:
- Belgrade Koinonia-Art venue is the 1st RC home & always open to anybody to use for starting or exploring applications.
- 7 RC branches in Belgrade
- Serbian towns: Kosovska Mitrovica, Novi Sad 7 branches, Kosovska Kamenica, Užice, Niš 2 branches, Štrbce, Čačak, Ivanjica, Požega, Tutin, Priboj, initiation Batočina, Kruševac, Kragujevac…
- Serbian villages: Prilike kod Ivanjice, Visibaba, Mala V., Tara, P. Vode, Ježevica, Banovci..
- Ex-Yu region: Bosnia and Hercegovina Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Montenegro Podgorica, Kruče, Slovenia 2 branches Ruše, Murska Sobota, Ljubljana in prepair, Croatia Rovinj,
- Europe: UK, Poland, Hungary Segedin, Sweden Malme, Greece, Italy, Ireland, preparing Netherlands Amsterdam, Bulgaria Sofija, Ukraine Odesse, Russia Moscaw..
- Other continents: USA 3 branches Texas Dalas, California LA, and West North branch with Kavita, Turkey Antalia, preparing South Afrika, Libanon Beirut, Armenia Jerevan, China, Australia..
International RC is established since 2020, with corona pandemic – online; so far we had 9 IRC workshops and usually we had participants from 6 continents and about 180 participants; but then we decided to reduce to 100. The hosts group is now 17 experienced hosts from different countries, we hold pre and post-IRC meetings for further improving,etc.
Dreaming TransformAction Oases
Where do sparks for creating collective places of TransformAction emerge from as are: Reflective Citizens Koinonia, Remediare Project, “Bridging Silos….” project, Koinonia-Art, Sandwich Model, project “Voices After Auschwitz”, Poland-on the couch, collective writing of our book,all authors together “The Collective Spark. Igniting thinking in groups, teams and the wider world” prepaired for wider public (eds. Ringer, Gordon and Vandenbussche, 2022), and other sibling communities of practice for dialogues and social transformation?
Genius loci in terms of Claudio Neri(1998, 2001;Ringer,2002), come to mind….& places where collective sparks of transformation have a good soil to emerge and wake us up.
Are we living at the edges of global catastrophe!?
Already in 1977 Bion in his Italian Seminars in Rome: If this group or community “… prevents the development of thought and mental growth, … it would die.…. more general terms, I don’t see any reason why the human race should survive: the function of life could be undertaken by some form that is completely different from normal human life, such as a virus, bacteria or bacillus”. Did Bion want to wake us up? (Bion, 2005)
“Internal Healing Sparks”
…may be embedded deeply in our hearts, often hidden, waiting to be discovered. In one social dreaming matrix during Belgrade RC conference, when our friends, group analysts from Dalas, Dale, Melissa & Bob came to learn about how to create their branch of RC (and later did!), when they had talked about their “MLK tables”, significant mirroring occured in me. Suddenly, I came in touch with an „unthought known“ – a very early established internal spark for healing social trauma related literaly to Martin Luther King – faith that citizens work is possible (anticipating later RC and sibling movements……).
I have a dream….Martin Luther King
“One day the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit dawn together and the heat of oppression and of injustice will be transformed into an oases of freedom and justice” – (caring for the future)
Atlanta, in 1963 1st social trauma of mine: children in the Atlanta kindergarten, USA, Georgia, were on my very 1st day to “lynch” me for arriving from a communist country Yugoslavia…., later black children from my school were expelled. However, soon in the Atlanta church, participating with my parents, to MLKs speeches…. for those trauma and injustice, which I so early had experienced, into my heart seems indeed to have entered a healing spark. First ever I wrote this into my chapter (Mojović,2022), in the above mentioned book „The Collective Spark“
The Collective Internal Spark for RC one day to become Transformative Oases.
This deeply connects to process of….
Dreaming of the GASI Summer School
Which is linked to invitation to Robi Friedman (at the time president of IIGA) for giving a Dreaming Workshop 2012 in Belgrade;
GAS Belgrade was isolated over many years due to war and post war situation in the country. Robi happened to be the very 1st ever colleague to come from abroad (whom I met earlier at GASi & IAGP events, and had attended his dreaming workshops, Friedman, 2002,2004)
He visited the Koinonia-Art venue, there he shared with me his “dream” of creating a “summer camp” for young in group analyses, affordable-enough & with free-enough atmosphere (some sort of “TransfomActions”! of our dreams for this event), and that place/venue seemed just right for his dream, he said; asking me to help in making it possible….(Might it have been Robi’s collective internal spark…?). Indeed, the following year Summer School was born (bellow is the flyer of the 1st…)
The 1st GASI International Summer School in Group Analysis
Group Analytic Society International & Group Analytic Society Belgrade
Learning across Borders
Belgrade, August 6th- 9th 2013
Summer School Organisers:
Tija Despotović, Ivanka Dunjić, Marina Mojović, David Glyn, and Regine Scholz
Additional Staff Team Members:
Sue Einhorn, Vida Rakić Glišić, Bessy Karagianni, Slavica Pavlović and Kevin Power
GASi President Robi Friedman
1st GASI Summer School & 1st Reflective Citizens Koinonia destined the same place of “home to start from” (Winnicott,1990)…perhaps “genius loci” in terms of Claudio Neri (1998, 2001;Ringer,2002) as mentioned above.
RC & Summer School perhaps also share ways of having for development to learn how to move through various social and organizational complexity, including highly disrupted matrices…Sometimes needing to aquere skills like in sailing adapting to winds, waves and whirlpools, perhaps a bit in guerilla style (Mojović,2024b). The initial conception idea to be at the same time attached to the center (GASi or RC Community, as harbors) and also free-enough in movements, for shared creativity in exploration, thereby searching for and finding new transient places, endeavoring to appreciate & understand genius loci (spirits of the places), spreading and taking care of seeds indeed needs enthusiasm and devotion…Belgrade, Prague, Athens, Ljubljana, Rijeka, Dublin, Turin…..And again this 7th station in the developmental journey seems to be full of wonders to surprise us.
Understanding cross-fertilization among our psychoanalytic fields, with the revisiting of their histories (like was in the GASi workshop “The Northfield Revisited”) may create important stages for wider perspectives and TransformActions! This particular „station“in Citta Sant’ Angelo in June 26th -29th this year , organized and hosted by Carla Penna and Dominico Agresta “Bridging Silos in Field Theory, psychoanalytic, group analysis, group relations and social dreaming”, contained a lot of history revisiting, and was significant for RC Method. At its opening Carla mentioned us being at the anniversaries of our two Belgrade RC Conferences:
- the 26th -29th June 2013 Belgrade “Studies of Large Groups and Social Unconscious. Foulkes and Pichon Riviere Connecting Citizens and Societies.” (26th to 29th June 1958 happened to be Rosario Experiment of Richon Rivier’s work with citizens in Argentina) (Tubert-Oklander and Hernández-Tubert, 2013, 2014)
- June 2014 Belgrade “Learning through Experience about Inclusion-exclusion Phenomena in and between Traditions of Foulkes, Bion and Main” in which we jointly organized and worked
……….Penna, Hinshelwood (with Tubert-Oklander,J., Hernández-Tubert, Hopper, Pines, Nitzgen, Mingarelli, Ofer, Biran, Tjelta, Weinberg, Gilmore, Ahlin, Satarić, Despotović, Dunjić…), as if indeed sorts of pillars and anniversary for the June 2024 event.
However, we can’t stay blind to the dark sides, as for example, how areas of psychoanalytic knowledge of people fleeing Nazism to the Americas after WW2 were again disrupted/traumatized by new forms of encapsulated evil of Nazism in the Americas , as were meeting them free on the streets (Cassullo,2024).
Inspiring was also how Franca Fubini (2024), seniour Italian group analyst, often also combining with Italian group relations, leader of a Training in Social Dreaming, and active participant at the 1st RC in Cheri, has in Citta Saint Angelo emphasized the flow of the:
Psychoanalytic Family of Fields
- PA born end of 19thc focus on analytic couple,
- group dynamics and birth of group analysis between WWs,
- Development of Therapeutic Community in Northfield and after WW2,
- 1stGRC 1957 with focus on understanding dynamics of organizations, role, leadership and authority,
- 70s explorations of large and median groups,
- Social Dreaming born in the 80s in the environment of GRCs turn to social dimension of the unconscious.
And we may continue:
- Reflective Citizens born in the 90s,
- Reflective Citizens flourishing in 21st,
Thus movements: PA —> GA —>TC—>GRC—>LG & MG—>SD—>RC
Shift from ego-centric —> eco-centric (Fubini)
Individual—>group —>T community—>organization & leadership—>LG & MG—>dreaming—>RC
SD—> LG & MG—>SG (LP)—>LG & MG—>individual (RAG)
perhaps we may consider SD & RC as Grand-grandchildren in the PA Family
- Holding curiosity and braveness to explore,
- Revisiting relational fields among their ancestors,
- Discovering hidden -both uncanny & precious areas,
- Enabling new thinking to emerge,
- Weaving together – “remediare”,
- Enriching & strengthening for the dangerous world we are living in…
Keynote Part II
Francesca Giuseppina Bascialla
Title: From TransPosition to TransFormation during Covid-19 pandemic
A brief historical introduction.
Pat de Maré was the lecturer at the 9th Foulkes’ Lecture in 1985. He concluded his speech saying “How can I know what I mean unless we talk about it” inviting the participants to a dialogue in a large group about 100 participants.
The Group Analytic Society was founded as learned society in 1952 by S.H. Foulkes, Elisabeth Marx, James Anthony, Parick de Maré, W.H.R. Iliffe, M.L.J. Abercrombie and Norbert Elias. The first general meeting of the society was held in London, 31st January, 1955. At that time Foulkes was the president of the society and in his address, he gave a definition of group analysis as “…in the wider sense… the analytic, scientific study of various groups within the community.” (Foulkes, 1990, pp 146-147). Furthermore “Both aspects, the individual and the social one, are not only integrated in our approach, but their artificial isolation − never found in actual reality − does not arise.” (Foulkes, 1990, pp 148). The community, the individual and the social, within the theoretical frame of group dynamics, are key concept for Reflective Citizens method.
My experience as a member of the second Reflective Citizens in Chieri – Italy (2019) was that of a clear open space not only in the external world but also in my inner world. To be a member of that factual Koinonia awakened a lot of memory of my life in Italy. I was able to feel at home, in a safe space in company of about 70 strangers. My personal Italian foundation matrix was back in a renewed shape, after 29 years living in Greece. In my “psyche” the personal and the social unfolded and intertwined and also resonated within the RC dynamic matrix of the workshop. We, the members were creating our Koinonia, our safe space for dialogue. Dialogue as a process (de Maré, 1991) of free floating meaning (Maxwell, 2000) which is slowly developing within the structure given by the conveners.
So, the idea to organize Reflective Citizens-Koinonia workshop in Greece becomes a project to be actualized in the city where I am leaving, Kalamaria. The history of this municipality, the second largest one in the southeast area of Thessaloniki, is strictly related to migration. Until 1920 it was a fishing village, then it became a settlement to house refugees from Greek diaspora; refugee from Pontus area were relocated in the village. During 1980 there were other migration and refugees’ fluxes. Migration due to economic reasons from Balkan countries, Greek people from previous communist countries return in Greece but also other people from Eastern Europe, and after 1991 from former Yugoslavia. During the last years Syrian and Ukranian refugees are also housed in Kalamaria. Taking for granted this multicultural and multilingual context, I was not a stranger in Kalamaria, I was only one stranger in a multicultural city and this was what I liked most.
Κοινωνία-Σκεπτόμενοι Πολίτες/Koinonia-Skeptomeni Polites in Greek is the translation of RC-Koinonia. Ianis Tsegkos, one of the founder members of the Institute of Group Analysis – Athens (1982), gave the ideas to place the word “Koinonia” in front in order to underline the community as the basic context in which citizens can act with responsibility for the common good and welfare. Or following de Maré, “Koinonia is a cultural and impersonal manifestation of fellowship” (de Maré, 1991, p. 88).
The first Reflective Citizens-Koinonia was scheduled for 14th April, 2020 but on 9th March due to SARS-Covid19 pandemic the first lock down started in Greece. The international organizational committee was composed by Marina Mojovic, Dragana Dragojevic, Stefan Cerovina from the staff of the newly founded online International Reflective-Citizens, Zoe Boyatzaki, Charalampos Sidiropoulos and me from the Open Psychotherapy Centre and the Institute of Group Analysis Athens (IGAA) and two members of Kalamaria Municipality board (Thanos Giannakos, Dimitrios Kiratzis).
In the meanwhile, it was the beginning of the pandemic, fear of losing control of our life, restrictions on gathering, on travelling, on daily life, and on freedom, plus closeness to death and uncertainty for the future were paralyzing all citizens and societies leaving a small space for hope. Consequently, the first RC was cancelled, the 40 members were informed also about the rescheduled event in three months. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. The pandemic situation in Greece and worldwide worsened and the workshop postponed again. The members desire and need to communicate increased as I read in their mails.
It was clear that never in other recent time like now during the pandemic, people were overwhelmed by despair, helplessness, fear of imminent death, searching for a place to share these feelings, being exhausted of thinking how to survive from an invisible danger and furthermore being afraid to lose the capacity of thinking. Trauma was there and its consequences too, social structure was at risk of disintegration (Scholz, 2018). On September, the organizing committee that had on a regular base virtual meeting took the decision to schedule the first virtual Greek RC-Koinonia on 14th November via Zoom.
Sharing a virtual RC-Koinonia The workshop took place after six months from the beginning of the pandemic and most of the participants had a minimum of familiarity with on line communication. After the registration to the workshop an email with some advices was send to the members. It was recommended to choose a quiet room with a neutral background, to assure not to be interrupted in order to develop a safe virtual space and a holding environment. During the introduction to the workshop the conveners ask not to close the video and to unmute themselves when they want to talk. For the small group there was a host in the role of facilitator only for technological issue, the groups remain leaderless. It was more an exercise to be not in a worry, to remain patient, wait your turn giving time to the other to finish or wait for the translation. All these presuppose an effort to collaborate with the other, to include everyone and asking the more silent members if they want to say something. From a general point of view, a structure was needed and formed by more clear instruction at every opening and closure of different groups.
The Reflective Citizens Matrix as transactional space gave the members the possibility to elaborate difficult and overwhelming feelings connected to losing control, struggling to find the way out or to stay psychological alive after the traumatic event. During this hard time of the pandemic the risk of losing loved ones was real, we could hope in some magical or a deus ex machina intervention or try thinking together for the common safety or escape.
The first large group of the workshop is a space where little by little, words after words, thoughts come to the surface carrying new and better understandable meanings. The conveners’ attitude to promote and ensure containment creates space for sharing feeling and thoughts. In a large group, dialogue uses language to transform culture because “Language is a structure and Dialogue is a process” (de Maré, 1991, p 44). Members wave new thoughts upon language. The early phase in a large group, “the parliament of instincts” as de Maré referred to (1991, p 76) is a state of frustration that bring hate in a dimension out of time. The metaphor of the large group as “the cauldron of energy in a state of chaos” (De Maré, 1991, p 44) underline the potentiality of creativity in a disorganized harmful magma.
The process of transformation of hate, produced by frustration, can be described as follow: frustration – hate – psychic energy – dialogue – thinking – understanding – information – Koinonia or impersonal fellowship (De Maré, 1991, p 45).
A safe containment function allows fear of annihilation to be reduced and allow avoiding massification phenomena, as Hopper explain with the Fourth Basic Assumption of Incohesion: Aggregation/Massification (ba)I:A/M (2003).
After the first large group, the small leaderless groups are like small laboratories; members regain their personal identity, feelings and thoughts are reorganized in order to been shared during the second large group. In the RC Matrix “the concert of interactions” (Foulkes, 1990, pp 154) is within the social, being the social unconscious brought in by the dreams’ images during the Social Dreaming.
The split between inner and outer world can be examined in the large group to finally reach the collective consciousness and “establishing meaning of symbolic elements within a total structure” (de Maré, 1991, p 46). Dialogue “is concerned with continuum”, with relatedness, it is multipersonal, “it allows for different communications taking place simultaneously”, but it doesn’t lead to a final truth (de Maré, 1991, p 47).
The large group process fluctuates between imaginary and symbolism. From the dreams offered in the SDM, the exploration of the myths of the collective foundation matrix continues in the large group setting. “The imaginary is at one end of the continuum and symbolism is at the other. Group dialogue creates generality, shareability; it bears meaning. It moves from the brute fact of imaginary and frustration, to the language of a collective Conscious” (de Maré, 1991, p 54).
Culture, from the Latin word cultura means cultivation of soil. Since the 16th century the word took the meaning of ‘cultivation of mind’. As de Maré wrote (1991) “Culture is the ‘group mind’, meaning a grouping of minds” (p. 81). The cultural and the social are not synonymous. The word ‘social’ derived from the Latin socius meaning friend and ally. The relation between social and culture is dialectical. In this dialectical relation “social reality” meets each individual culture. de Maré (1991) argues that “…the primary antithesis… lies in the encounter between mental processes and society of which culture is the outcome, a multipolar network…” (p. 81). In larger group “the imperative demand of the social dimension” (de Maré, 1991, p. 88) is faced. Also “…only larger group setting can feasibly explore the social and the cultural contexts in which we all resides…” (de Maré, 1991, p. 82).
The process in a large group is a “…multi-personal exchange… [that] profoundly affects the type of thinking…” (de Maré, 1991, p. 83) when and if, you can stay in the uncertainty having suspended your self-consciousness, having lost a little of your identity and let been cradled by the waves of disconnected – up to persecutory -thoughts, and blowing up feelings – mostly anxiety.
The concept of “…transposition explore the multi-personal network of the small group matrix, [while] transformation juxtaposes and transforms one subculture, microculture or social culture into another… Our task as citizens is not only to adjust to society but to enable society to adjust to us. Unless we look at our cultural context, we are groping around in a vacuum.” (de Maré, 1991, p. 104). In a large group, transformation “…is not a position that is been transposed but a whole culture that is being transformed.” (de Maré, 1991, p. 104).
Considering culture as “the outcome of a dialectical conflict between the individual system and environmental ‘reality’” (de Maré, 1991, p. 79), a gap is between the two. The hiatus between the personal and the collective, can be organized and filled with new thoughts through nurturing the capability to stay with frustration and with hate, till “Cultures are transformed through dialogue. This transformation may be, and perhaps necessarily is, incomplete, thereby creating a discrepancy between relatedness and context, which remain at loggerheads with each other.” (de Maré, 1991, p. 86). It is a process always developing, tending towards infinity. A TransformAction in a real time and in an infinite space.
Keynote Part III
Ilaria Locati
The Cultivation of Reflective Citizens and the Development of Italian Branches
The intent of this talk is to recount the development of Reflective Citizens (RC) in Italy and to show how it succeeds in transforming seemingly barren territories into transformative experiences that look to the future.
RC reached Italy from the Balkan route, directly from Belgrade. The birth of the Italian RC has been taking shape from Alice Mulasso’s enthusiasm, which has contaminated colleagues, friends and family members. Alice went to encounter RC in Belgrade and brought it to Italy after experiencing the Method and getting thrilled about it. The first RC branch was founded in Chieri, a few kilometres from Turin. When the Chieri branch was founded in 2019 Marina Mojović and Alice Mulasso were the only group analysts on staff, the other staff members were Lorenzo La Scala, Maria Nagni, and Gaia Piovesan.
After the pandemic, as soon as it was possible to gather, we settled up the second branch, in Padua, in 2021. Since then a new branch has been born every year; the youngest is the one in Pachino, Sicily: born on June 30th.
Today in Italy there are 5 branches and a group of about 25 hosts.
Some Considerations on Italian Culture and its Territory
In an individual-family-society system, the Italian humus is oriented toward a strong family vision. Moving for the respect of difference, of the Other, and the promotion of relational benefits has become necessary and it is a clinical value since it works against destructiveness (Giorgi A. et al., 2009).
The social texture promotes the defense of self-interest and a simplification of bringing people back to what is familiar and known, and does not encourage the exploration of differences and complexity.
The ground does not seem to be very fertile.
The etymology of the word culture derives from the Latin colĕre “to cultivate”: the challenge is to fertilize soil that appears to be barren and to turn it into cultivable ground where seeds of RC can grow.
The “human” word itself refers to a term derived from cultivation: humus, the soil. “Class distinction, racism, economic status, sexual deviation, professionalism, assumptions of attitudes and values in general, whether humorous, hostile, destructive, creative, promotive, or nurturing, can all be explored in the large group. The large group looks out extrinsically at the surrounding culture and society (de Maré 1991, p.31).
RC’s seeds are community seeds: the seed represents diversity, variety, abundance. It holds within itself the history of evolution and continuously collects the changes of time and space. The seed has the ability to record, namely to memorize the place where it is born, the relationships with other forms of life around it. There are seeds of different types: “indigenous,” and “genetically modified” (www. world social
Indigenous seeds regenerate themselves through pollination. They can be saved for the next sowing season. They are priceless, containing valuable data on the environment. They are the outcome of farmer knowledge and know-how and have always been freely exchangeable. RC seeds belong to this type.
Genetically modified seeds are seeds that do not regenerate themselves: they are generated by genetic engineering. Farmers have to buy them and their price always rises because they are owned by the multinational companies that have patented them; they are not freely available. What they guarantee is the production of a perfect product, always the same, beautiful to look at and easily sold on the market.
We report some passages from the last RC, in Pachino, Sicily. Pachino is a small town in Sicily of 21,000 inhabitants; most of the economy is based on the cultivation of tomatoes, also called the red gold of Sicily. The countryside around the town is surrounded by greenhouses for the cultivation of this precious local product. The seeds of the Pachino tomato are sterile, genetically modified seeds.
The Pachino RC branch was founded by two young courageous Sicilian colleagues who had just completed their training in group analysis, Roberto Ardilio and Giulia Ajovalasit, with the help of friends and local activists. 7 experienced hosts travelled from Palermo, Chieri, Rivoli and Padua to Sicily to promote and support the local staff (namely Alice, Marco, Nadia, Noemi, Mariateresa and me).
And here is the first dream of the Social Dream Matrix (SDM):
“I am at home in the countryside with my family. It is morning, I wake up and I see outside the window the countryside covered by a layer of melted plastic. It’s a colourless apocalyptic scenario. We lock ourselves in the house and don’t open the door because we are afraid the air to be unbreathable”
Only towards the end of the SDM an association refers to the plastic in the greenhouses, which pollutes the land and is illegally burnt at night. ‘In the summer in the countryside you can’t sleep with the windows open because the smell of burnt plastic is suffocating’.
The ground is sealed, the word stifled. The SDM in its process stirs the soil and introduces new seeds.
The workshop is also attended by ten foreign underage, unaccompanied minors from Mali and Egypt, guests of a community. They were invited to the RC by Roberto, one of the founding hosts, and decided to participate. Some of them do not speak Italian, French or English. Their voices cannot be heard…
What is sealing the plastic?
In the staff meeting after the workshop, we focus on two levels: the explicit level of the inhabitants of Pachino and the implicit level of the African youth.
“Experience in the median group shows that there is a difficulty in developing sufficient fellowship for the group to be able to affirm positively the advent of a new member and to differentiate this arrival from the intrusion into the family of a new-born infant. Since people have to learn dialogue like a language, a feature of the larger situation is its frustrating nature”. (de Maré P., et al, 1991 p.24)
In the small group work, it is also possible to listen to those who have no voice and leave a sign on the poster. The language barriers are overcome and thanks to the intervention of Nadia Benedetto, an experienced host from Chieri, all the participants in the small group begin to leave a mark or a word on the poster and together build a picture. In the presentation of their work in the large group, participants report: ‘we decided to proceed slowly, but together. Everyone has put in his or her part, and those who did not have words have drawn. There are everyday objects and the transport with which some of us got here.
In the large group that closes the workshop, the words of Mohamed Ali, a 16-year-old Egyptian boy “I liked me here with you!” are repeated.
In the Inoperative Community, Nancy (1986) makes it clear that community is not an abstract or immaterial relationship or substance in common: community is a being-in-common, being with one another or being together. Community is a participation in existence.
To conclude and throw a look into the future, I want to quote Sofia Trotta, a 19-year-old host from Palermo: ‘The result of the RC is not the RC itself, but what it leaves you afterwards. The thought that arises and becomes intrinsic within you after the experience: new thoughts, the desire to take it elsewhere, to other spaces, places, among the people you know. For me, RC is take-away: you pick it up and take it wherever you want and wherever you feel like sowing it.”
PART IV with Ending
Marina Mojović
RC DNA holds Adaptability and other Skills for
Dealing with Social Destruction.
We see in both presentations about RC in Greece and Italy how the appreciation of the RC Method and of the various genius loci enabled cultivation of richness of different RC branches and flourishing.
RC Oases of Transformation & TransformAction have in their DNA carefulness and special adaptability for dealing with social destruction and other unpredictability… since inception…as the seeds Ilaria mentions. Francesca so clearly & in depth explains the Koinonia aspect of RC!
The ways of relatedness to:
A Sibling areas (MLK tables, sandwich model, Poland-on-the-couch, Voices from Auschwitz, Trilogy model,…)
B Parental psychoanalytic areas (GA, GR, TC, LP, PR, SD) and their home organizations (GAS Belgrade, GAS Slovenia, GASi, EGATIN, EFPP, IAGP, APGA, OPUS, ISPSO, Community of TC, Shadow movement.., here gratitude that all them had over the passed years invited keynotes about RC for events of these societies)
C New initiatives on Bridging Silos… (conference in Citta Sait Angelo, OPUS Trilogy event in November…)….are carefully handled due to awareness of old & potential new cracks in our psychoanalytic fields….slippery areas needs further cautiousness.
D Wisdom within Relatedness of various RC Branches – Meaningful development!
TransformAction in RC Koinonia and sibling communities needs to be further cultivated –(gestation needs time which we perhaps don’t have)
- Skill from TC culture, de Mare’s Koinonia & Koinonia in general – zajedničarenje
- SD & RC as grandchildren or grand-grandchildren in the PA families in their nature curious in revisiting & rediscovering histories of the ancestors fields (as mentioned) helps revealing & repairing interconnectedness;
- New layers are now emerging in the understanding & power of restoring the lost links,
- Community of dreamers & citizenship.
Dealing with Fragmentation and Dismantling of the Psycho-Social Fabric as Special interest in RC work
- Potential rivalries, may certainly be useful for development, but distinguishing from
- destructive particles. Interestingly-enough they often become easily visible and handled within the RC Koinonia culture.
- However, most malignant processes like those related to malignant social-psychic retreats (Mojović, 2005, 2011), related also to bastions of Baranger & Baranger, (2009), and Penna s group bastions (.need additional knowledge for disentanglement – special interest for RC (Mojović, 2019a, 2019b, 2022a,2024a).
- As in the „Northfield Revisited“ 2019 our median groups in the ex-military hospital encountered ghostly areas of old matrices of our fields waiting to be seen and reconnected, holding significant particles of our fields’ histories;
- Similarly in the period after NF, after WWII, active was both linking & dissociating (Menzies,2018; Harrison, 2000,2018)….
- Interesting are the fields of PA knowledge held by people fleeing Nazism, like those (mentioned above) to the Americas: they were again disrupted by new forms of encapsulated evil of Nazism in Americas (frozen when meeting on streets, Cassullo,2024..). Was scary or forbidden to reveal and think about, but now we can’t hide anymore, as
- The destructive hydra of Nazism embedded in those social-psychic retreats paralyzing possible creative linking, deadening & fragmenting the fields, emerges now to visibility….
- Social-Political Dehumanization and Perversion – Local & Global: Might easily take over like some powerful hydra. (Mojović,2007b).
- In these times of such huge disruptions and turmoil of social-historical-political fields with massive dehumanization “storms” rushing throughout our societies, organizations, communities, no surprise often flooding various organizations,
- even into our own professional organizations, as unfortunately seems too obvious.
- capacity to connect with the wisdom from the soil (links to Ilaria s examples, and also Mimo’s talk, too), ecosystems
- hidden areas of knowledge from PA fields & field theories emerging to the fore as very precious (hidden “internal society” –Rickman, Bion, Hoggett)
- Weaving new connectedness of unresolved trauma of our ancestors fields, as a work in progress – significant rimediare project we had heard at the opening lecture here…
- “A TransformAction in a real time and in an infinite space”. as Francesca so well points !
So we often have to work in Oases of TransformActions, but the impact may go infinite, we can build mature hope (Hopper)!
Certainly, lots of our additional efforts are needed, probably very urgent!
Vicious Circles of Human Destructiveness and Evil (Mojović, 2024a)
- This is linked to the, well known, vicious circles of human destructiveness and evil, which are with the human kind probably since the beginning of times; or at least since Eva was seduced by the snake, and the split between Cain and Abel. We won’t here take direction of developing the philosophical and religious paths, but I suggest towards, more those practical ones:
- What are we able to do as professionals, leaders, consultants, citizens?
- Is it possible to turn the circles into opposite directions?
I wish to end with . . .
Edgar Morin, who is among the leading sociologists and philosophers today (103 years old). I wasn’t aware, Morin will be present in almost all keynotes here, from the 1st about Rimediare Citizens work in Turin,
This is from this year: in February 2024, about
The Midnight in the Century – Thought has Become Blind!
Crisis of Humanity Failing to Become Humanity
Resistance would involve the safeguarding or creation of oases of (agro-ecological) communities with relative autonomy and networks of social and economic solidarity. It would also suppose the coordination of associations devoted to solidarity and the refusal of hatreds. Resistance would prepare younger generations to think and act for the forces of union of fellowship, life, and love that we can conceive under the name of Eros, and against the forces of dislocation, disintegration, conflict, and death that we can conceive under the names of Polemos & Thanatos [war & death].
The crises feed on each other in a sort of polycrisis—ecological, economic, political, social, and civilizational—and it is escalating…. The multiplication of wars, global warming, the rise of authoritarian regimes: the world is rushing towards disaster, but we must resist hatred.
Democracy is in crisis on every continent: it is increasingly being replaced by authoritarian regimes, which, by having the means of computerized control over populations and individuals, tend to form
societies of submission that could be called neo-totalitarian. Globalization has created no solidarity and the United Nations are increasingly disunited.…. There was a time – not so long ago – when a change of course could be envisioned. It seems now that it is too late. Certainly, the improbable and especially the unforeseen can happen. We do not know if the global situation is only desperate [désespérante] or truly hopeless [désespérée].. Faced with the polycrisis humanity is going through, the first resistance is that of the spirit’. . . .
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