Discussion (via email) between Helena Kilmova and Viv Harte (Editor of Contexts)
Hi Viv,
You write that “all commentaries/articles/poetry are welcome”. So I will do my best.
My contribution is inspired by the contemporary situation in our organisation: in GASI we are experiencing a split which is painful to many of us:
I can see our Palestinian member as suffering desperately and thus ready to fight. She used the strongest symbol – hakenkreuz/svastika – as a weapon. This symbol was not born in GASI, it belonged to the outer world as one of the supreme death symbols. Thus in the time of despair something alien was brought from outside into the living group and started here its destructive way.
Another difficult situation has been experienced by our Israeli members. Some of them – even long standing meritorious members – then left GASI. They, too, were motivated by despair which originated, too, from outside, from the outer world. Later they decided to return to GASi- but still they are waiting to be reaccepted. The decision to re-accept them depends on two or three people, while the whole large group of GASi members may be lacking proper information about this difficult situation.
In both cases (the Palestinian and the Israeli ones) those were the emotions which originated in the situation outside the GASi boundaries and which belonged to the opposing sides of the macro world. Yet these relations coming from the macro world are influencing the micro relations in GASI. Some people started to behave towards each other more as envoys of the outer world then as single human beings in the situation of here and now – within the group of GASi.
If we were different sort of organisation, not the group-analytic one, such a behaviour would be understandable. However, we have been educated and trained to understand the human behaviour and especially the behaviour of human groups. If we were asked to judge and analyse another group (not the ours – the one to which we belong) probably we would be able to understand and offer good advices to the other group.
It is much more difficult to keep rational understanding and group analytic wisdom when we ourselves are subjects of the hard situation. However, just this very situation is offering the genuine proof of how can we master the art of group analysis. Here and now we have to prove that the art of group analysis is working – on our own historical crossroad.
What we need, now, is a good will as motivation for our future life together – plus the professional ability to understand and to lead dialogue: the repeated and well moderated dialogue of us-members- is needed.
What we need, now, is the readiness and decision to withstand different opinions and to find understanding for the wounded opponents.
And what we need first of all is to accept back to GASI the almost lost Israelis – as soon as possible.
May we find wisdom and peace,
Helena Klímová,
Prague. 5th December 2024
Dear Helena
Thank you for your message and for your attached commentary.
I am writing to inform you that some of the contents of your commentary are inaccurate and racist.
I give the corrections below so that you can consider amending your comments to reflect them accurately. It is your choice whether you decide to make these amendments. If you decide not to, then I will need to reconsider its publications and/or add my own comments to reflect facts and context.
1. The MC member you refer to is not Palestinian. They are English/Libyan. This information was clearly stated on their personal statement when they applied for and were democratically elected on to the MC. There have been numerous opportunities to be aware of this at our monthly online meetings, the RMG and Seasonal Gatherings, and you have attended several of them recently. To not recognise and acknowledge the ethnicity of this MC member is racist and unacceptable. GASi will not tolerate racism.
2. You mention that a swastika was posted by the MC member you refer to. This is incorrect. The image was the Israeli flag with a portion stripped back revealing part of a swastika. The image was posted on the GASi forum by the MC member after being relentlessly abused by both Israeli colleagues and other GASi members (white men). I attach the image is attached for reference. My understanding is that you were not active on the forum at this time. The image posted on the forum is often used across the UK and other countries in mainland Europe to highlight the current behaviour of the Israeli government.
3. In December 2023 fifteen of our Israeli colleagues wrote a letter to the MC. The letter was also posted on the forum and published in Contexts. In that letter, the signatories stated they were withdrawing their membership of GASi.
Three of the signatories chose to remain members, four members re-applied for membership, one is now deceased and seven have not re-applied. GASi has not stopped these seven colleagues from re-applying. It is their choice. We have not heard from them.
GASi Constitution states that any individual who withdraws their membership or doesn’t pay their fees by a set date has to make a formal application to join again if they want to. No application is given preferential treatment.
4. GASi provides numerous opportunities for members to meet online through our monthly RMG and Seasonal Gathering. You have attended a number of these recently. It is clear in these spaces that dialogue and understanding are difficult and painful, especially in times of war and invasion/occupation.
I hope you will amend your commentary to reflect the above corrections.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Editor, GASi Contexts. 6th December 2024
Hi, Viv,
As you noticed, here in my first letter to you I have saved the information which you have corrected later, in order to keep here your reply, your correction meaningful. Now I can return to it with my apology: I am sorry for my misinformation re the nationality of the person who posted the part of swastika. In my error there was not any ill intention (neither any racism).
However I keep my belief that sending swastika (in any form) as a message to other people, specially to colleagues, may cause pain to other human beings and thus is harmful. I believe GASi should take a clear stance against using such symbols in any form of communication. As for accepting back our Israeli Colleagues: I understand your explanation about the re-application process and how it aligns with GASi’s constitution. However, I’ve heard that more former members from Israel are interested in returning than the number you mentioned, and some applicants haven’t yet been accepted. Transparency about this process could help build trust and ensure all members feel equally supported. Could you clarify further? I’d be happy to work together to address any misunderstandings.
Thank you, Viv, again for this exchange. Let’s keep working together to make GASi a place of mutual respect, open discussion, and inclusivity—while keeping things clear and to the point.
Best wishes