Digital online communication and how it impacts on our face to face relationships

For 4 weeks, from mid-November 2018, 8 people participated in a time-limited online small group forum, with Rob White as the moderator/interviewer, tasked with discussing the theme of digital online communication and how it impacts on our face to face relationships.

You can read the full text of our exchange by downloading the PDF: Contexts Digital Discussion Group

Each of the group [Tiziana Baisini, Robert (Bob) Hsiung, Carla Penna, Maria Puschbeck, Liat Warhaftig-Aran, Haim Weinberg, Rob White (moderator), Peter Zelaskowski (organiser)] has written a few reflections on the experience which can be read in this issue.

In addition, Bob Hsiung has written about the group through a quantitative lens:

A Digital Group Through a Quantitative Lens

In the December 2018 issue of Contexts Rob White wrote his “Impressions of an Online Group Discussing Online Groups” which can be accessed here:

Impressions of an Online Group Discussing Online Groups