Management Committee Vacancy

Honorary Treasurer

Currently, GASi is operating, without an Honorary Treasurer.  Individuals, on the Management Committee, are working to compensate for the lack, but this is not a satisfactory situation for the society. The fact that we are constituted, in the UK, with  our office in London, means that the Treasurer has, also, to be based in or near to London. Many people automatically rule themselves out of consideration, when this matter is broached. This is partly because they feel that they lack experience, combined with assumptions about the degree of technical knowledge required.  In practice, there is plenty of scope for learning, in the post, with support from past treasurers as well as, occasionally, from professional advisers.
We will be very pleased to receive enquiries, and open to discuss with anyone who is ready to consider, supporting our work, in this role.

Please contact David Glyn at if you would like to be considered or if you would like to further discuss the position.