44th & 45th Annual Foulkes Lecture
Dear GASi Member,
The third weekend of May would have seen the presentation, at Senate House in London, of the 44th Annual Foulkes Lecture, by Ms Sue Einhorn. This would have been followed by the Study Day, at the Institute of Education, considering the themes emerging from Sue’s lecture, ‘From a Woman’s Point of View…. how internalised misogyny affects relationships between women’.
It’s still hard to imagine such a gathering, at the moment, but that is what we must do – picture ourselves, meeting for Sue’s lecture, on Friday 21st May, 2021, in the London that has survived our present trials.
So, please put that date in your diary, now.
And, we are delighted to announce that Ms Regine Scholz has agreed to present the 45th Foulkes Lecture, on Friday 20th May, 2022. Please also make a note of that date.
Let’s look forward to our future meetings.
David Glyn
GASi President