Ode to Group
I listen
but I cannot always hear
I bear witness
to the unknown and to fear
I observe that
which my eyes can see
I would talk if my tongue
the cat set free
I contribute
in ways that best I can
I am inadequate, but of course!
I am a man.
So listen
and you all will know
that Large Group
is quite the show
men, women and others
of renown,
please smile –
remove your frown
for we are lucky
though not it feels,
to be here dancing
jigs and reels
around analysis
deep and wide
the Unconscious,
we cannot divide
For we know it not
nor shall we ever
Jung, Freud and Foulkes
were not so clever
so, what chance have we
one and all?
Forget it now,
let’s leave the hall
to find a beer,
and share our stories
of childhood, loss
and our glories
For it is there
where we shall grow
and friends and strangers
will truly know
who we are
and what we need
how we live
and why we breathe
One chance left
for us all to say,
That which we couldn’t
throughout the day
to whomever we want
or needs to hear
our inner mind,
our inner fear.
Thank you for hearing
this GA ditty
and thank you to
the GASi committee
Not all was ideal
just like life
so let us acknowledge
the trouble and strife
that happens each day
and causes frustration
Relax! it’s part
of our education
to continue improving
and moving forward
Next year all
shall be beautifully ordered.
Yeats wakens us –
Arise now and go
to where water laps
and rivers flow
So go now and find
your Inishfree
and remember, in your Dreams, begins
Having worked in business for over thirty years, Robert now runs his own coaching practice and is currently qualifying in Group Analysis with The School of Psychotherapy in Dublin. He has an interest in the human condition and writes when compelled and feels he has something to say worth hearing.
Robert shared his poem with other Summer School participants, saying that “When writing, I would typically spend many hours, days, weeks and months refining a piece before being satisfied with it. In this instance, the poem was written in less than an hour with no editing or re-writing. It was written to be read to the Group towards the end of the Summer School and it makes sense in that context. I never considered it being published”.