A Signage for Summer

Noel Jeffs SSF

Lorikeets strumpet queer, chase out the

cackling birds of my dower space

a balcony parade and eat from the bird bath

Just that , as I wait for you and spring is flowering

as summer is coming with untold blue skies

hello to all this chirping  and

hang onto the moments that are precious

Just that,  I say in my specious moments

what sustains me is ritual, just that

woke in my freehold to bake,  just that

a silent space

where birds of variety dwell on a scenic rim

to know my landscape, create solace and destiny

the brush turkey nests in the copse of oaks

his lady visits as platinum blond the courtyards

to create menage, he scurries to make her nest

and chased by little boys to cower and native

gardening is spring and blossom and pruning

just that.

The butcher bird flummoxes into my glass pane

in search of visage, and times can be

devastating  and uplifting

burn-offs preventing

bushfires with asphyxiating smoke, catastrophic fires

and flooding rains bring fright and hysteria.

Does thankfulness overcome all of this,  or are we at the mercy

of Climate Change and this is my home.
