A View of My Poetry as the Author and From My Heart

Noel Jeffs SSF

It includes all views, has sense and sensibility

I have  moved beyond the limitations of academy and its fierce dislike of abstraction

was heavily tutored in post modernism which gave me a freedom to write on my own

a work should speak to you and others  and I enjoy creating a story and searching for an ending  in its play.

it often journeys through fragments of mind and association and alliteration

rarely am I commissioned and that flavours it in other ways

more than metaphor and the power of words in word play

Sometimes strange syntax but not particular to rhyme

but not everybody enjoys poetry and its word play and I am a wordsmith at heart.

I use both heart and mind and am often psychologically and philosophically bound

and enjoy eroticism/poetry and chose my audience for that

Intuitively graced, in artistic and creative space; often hidden in silence and aloneness and togetherness and in community

a journey to wholeness

touching on justice

very nuanced but without sameness which requires an agile mind and explores synchronicity

and sometimes provokes hostility and misunderstanding.

I am always risen from the ashes

