Domenico Agresta, is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, group- analyst and psycho-oncologist (Catholic University of Rome). Formerly Trustee of the Gordon Lawrence Foundation (UK), now a founder member and Treasure of The Social Dreaming international Network (SDiN). He works with SD studying Rites of Passage, Religious Rites and cultural contexts connecting anthropology and Enthology. He is the President of the Centre for the Study of Psychology and Psychosomatic Medicine (CSPP) and studies the correlation between mind and body, links to anthropology and group processes using dreams icons.
Member of the GASi (Group Analytic Society) Management Committee, he is the Chair of the GASi Scientific Committee. Member of the Balint Society (UK); Academic Member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA); past-Chair of Family Therapy Section and Founder and Past-Chair of Webinars Committee in IAGP (The International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes). Board Member of SIMP (The Italian Society of Psychosomatic Medicine). Faculty Member Rakhawy Institute for Training and Research (RITR) in Cairo (Egypt) and Faculty Member TELE’DRAMA® International Institute (Texas, USA).
Director of Training at Scuola di Psicoterapia Conversazionale (Parma) and at Istituto di Psicoterapia Analitica Antropologica Esistenziale (IPAAE, Pescara).
He teaches at University and at Schools of Psychotherapy.
He plays keyboards and piano and sometimes he sings with friends and rock bands most of all Black Sabbath and The Beatles. Married with Maria Antonietta, group analyst too and father of Matteo a little boy who loves Jethro Tull and Genesis, he lives Moscufo a little town surrounded by olive trees and he works in Pescara (Italy).