Foulkes/Winnicott/De Maré explorations

This is the updated (February 2024) version of events people have expressed an interest in developing together. You are welcome to attend individual events as well as to participate regularly in any or all of the explorations. They have emerged out of a wish to find a way of integrating thoughts about individual, group and social development in an international context. [Hence the odd times – an attempt to integrate requests from different time zones. Evening groups in the UK involve Indian participants staying after midnight and Chinese participants even later]. Reading groups tend to stay with one paper for several sessions. Times are continually being adapted. All groups except the 5) Visitors are monthly.

1. Monthly Winnicott reading group which emerged out of a request by Indian group analytic students but is now an open group. The culture has come to involve reflection on issues raised by participant’s life and work in relation to the paper currently being read. Please let me know if you want a copy of the paper. Duration 90 minutes.

2. Klein Reading Group. A monthly reading/discussion group. Duration 90 minutes. Please let me know if you want a copy of the current paper being read or have any time suggestions for the future.

3. Foulkes reading group. Monthly. Duration 90 minutes.

4. Reading group using a De Mare paper. Monthly.  Please let me know if you want a copy of the paper or have preferred times. Duration 90 minutes.

5. ‘The Visitors.’ The ever-evolving Visitors is my attempt – after a life working in therapeutic communities –  to integrate some of the thoughts of Winnicott [individual development], Foulkes [groups], and De Mare [large groups and society] presented in the form of a novel/play. This is a weekly discussion/reading group. Participants are welcome to attend for one or all of the sessions. Please let me know if you want a copy of any of the chapters.


All are welcome and there is no fee. If you are interested, contact for zoom links, upcoming meeting dates and any circulated reading.

If you would like to attend in the future the zoom link is always the same:

The zoom ID is 9087229151 Pass code is 737486. Please feel free to forward this page to anyone you think might be interested.