Group-analytic work with psychotic patients

The meetings would be aimed at exchanging thoughts and experiences around group therapy goals of psychotic patients in psychiatric wards, where they can stay for a short time (in Poland for three to six months).

How is analytical thinking used in various regions of the world so that patients can draw therapeutic benefits for themselves? How is the ego of patients battered by psychotic experiences empowering?

It seems to me that working with psychosis is either setting too behavioural goals to patients, which without gaining insight, do not lead to a permanent change or strictly introduced psychoanalytical techniques, which deepen the clinical awareness of the therapist. Still, as a consequence, the patients don’t experience changes in the quality of their life for years.

I would also like to learn about the ideas and experiences of others in working with the families of psychotic patients – what works, how are these systems understood by various therapists?

Convenor/initiator: Weronika Rybak – Student of IGAR Poland


First meeting: Sunday June 13th from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm.
I will provide clinical material from the group of patients diagnosed with psychosis to support our collective considerations.
Dates of meetings until the end of the year:
July 11
September 12
October 10
November 14
December 12


If you are interested in joining, please contact the facilitator directly.