Information Matrix, helplessness, security and fanaticism

Nietzsche, in the 19th century, called himself a doctor / psychologist of civilization because he became aware of an existing mental suffering. Perhaps we need to do the same.

It is common knowledge that our current social matrix is dominated by a massive ocean of information. This Information Matrix (IM) is influential on our perspective of space (globalization, nationalisms, overcrowded cities, the invasion of natural ecosystems, ghettos, the explosion of tourism, the alteration of sacred spaces, etc.), time (fluidity or liquid society, time of emergency, demands of hyper-stimulation for the here and now, rapid forgetfulness, the erosion of history, etc.), relationships (free experimentation, focus on the self, fragile bonds, new configurations of family and sexual roles, etc) and other important dimensions of life.

The aim of this group is to reflect about initial questions referring to the IM. Is the IM raising the degree of uncertainty, stimulating unconsciously the emotional sense of helplessness, fear, anxiety and need of reassuring? Is this emotional sense of helplessness and the need for reassuring is contributing to the emergence of acritical and unshakable convictions, post-truth beliefs, stimulating attacks to democracy and freedom? Do we have to worry about a possible growing fanaticism, in defence of blind convictions, as a derivation from the current information matrix? Can this same IM allow us to find a network of help, support, knowledge and security? We propose to open a debate and think about the IM and all the possible unconscious phenomena that emerges from it.

Facilitator/Initiator: Rita Sousa Lobo –

Start date: Wednesday 5th May 2021, 9.30pm (UK time)

If you are interested in joining, please contact the facilitator directly.