The Large Group: history, theory and contemporary practice

Relatively little has been written about the Large Group, although it continues to occupy a central place in our training programmes and professional community. I’m interested in explorations of contemporary practice (for example conductor facilitated and leader-free groups), theoretical discussion, and questions around boundaries, such as statements of purpose for participants and writing about large group experiences. I would also encourage us to look back at the history of large group practice, recognising the limiting eurocentric focus of Group Analysis, and to learn from those with experience in the conducting role, especially internationally. If the large group faces us with the responsibilities of history making, and the possibility of attending to social injustice through working with the social unconscious, how can make this practice more accessible and explore wider social applications?

First online meeting: May 2021 – time and date to be confirmed

Facilitator/Initiator: Emma Reicher

If you are interested in joining, please contact the facilitator directly.