Without a Past There Can Be No Tomorrow

Myles Gutkin

Without a past there can be no tomorrow,

‘Though rooted to the earth we count each day

We have one life to live in love and sorrow.

The flowers of spring give way to ice and snow

The grass will either fade or turn to hay

Without a past there can be no tomorrow.

The great and powerful seem to never know

Our mortal fate, yet they too fade away

We have one life to live in love and sorrow.

In looking once again at what we know

We find the things we feared now hold less sway

Without a past there can be no tomorrow.

From youthful hope, in time your fear will grow

Yet from your fear refrain to run away

We have one life to live in love and sorrow.

Perhaps together, side be side, we’ll go

To wander where we could not go alone

Without a past there can be no tomorrow

We have one life to live in love and sorrow.
