Matrix’s Seeds of Love

Bozena Skarbek-Cielecka

Neverending Dance of Love

Nothingness and Eternity

Neverending Universe

Neverending Unity

The Earth and the Air

The Water and the Fire

Strength and Weakness

Tears and Smile

Despair and Cheer

Sadness and Alegresse

Cold and Warmth

Harsh and Tenderness

Neverending Dance of Love

Built on Hopes built on Trust

Neverending Togetherness

Future, Present, Past…


Bozena Skarbek-Cielecka: Born in Poland, studied in Cracow Iberic Studies (language and literature) and was a French and Spanish teacher for twenty years then changed completely professional direction. Finished Postgraduate Studies in Music and Art Therapy then decided to deepen the therapy interests focussing on  Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Awarded with European Certificate of Psychotherapy in 2020 Great interest in Group work and actually in Diploma in Group Analysis. Student Member of Group Analytic Society.