President’s Forward

David Glyn

This is written in the week before our Annual General Meeting – to be held online this year, rather than at the Foulkes Lecture/Study Day as would have been the practice in the past. I encourage you to join the AGM, on Saturday if you can.

Just over a year from now, I will be coming to the end of my Presidency and leaving the MC, along with other longstanding members. Between now and the time of the Symposium in Belgrade, we need to find a new President and people to take on the tasks of helping to run GASi.

How do members want the Society to be run? What sort of President do we want to have and who, amongst us, sees her or himself as ‘the right stuff’ for such roles?

There is a rather bland assumption established amongst us that Group Analysis is somehow democratic in spirit. What this means, in practice, is seldom discussed.  We encounter issues of power and responsibility, both externally in the forms of our organisational relations and internally in terms of how we feel included or excluded in processes of representation and authority.

The turning of the Presidential cycle gives us an opportunity to confront, in and between ourselves, questions that are crucial to our ability to survive and to thrive.

Please feel free to write to me, at if you have questions about, or an interest in, becoming involved in the GASi Management Committee.