GASi Special Interest Groups
Online groups convened by GASi members

Below is a list of current online groups that are convened by GASi members to explore themes of special interest within the broad field of group analysis.
If you would like to set up a new group, please contact Marit Joffe Milstein, chair of GASi’s Online Communications Committee at with your proposal.
To find out more about one of the current online special interest groups, or to enquire about joining, click on the relevant link of the group you are interested in below.
Practising group analysis in organisations
Queer Perspectives in Group Analysis
Challenging internalized misogyny
Foulkes / Winnicott / De Maré explorations
Co-Conducting in Group Analysis
Following are some of the older, closed Special Interest Groups:
Family Unconscious – Small Group in the Flow of Time
Information Matrix, helplessness, security and fanaticism
The Large Group: history, theory and contemporary practice
Working with dreams in small and large groups. The charm of Social Dreaming and Dream-telling